

Home/ Blog/ FANcy purgatory 2024

7x14" 2-piece copper shell FANcy model

- 2-piece copper shell (0.8mm) 
- AK standard double flanged/hollow/soldered-back bearing edges (pointed)
- class. crimped type snare beds (several!)
- NYPhil throw-off + snare bridge (adjustable)
- 4mm SB hoops / individual snare gates + hoop mounted butt plates
- 10 class. tube lugs
- brass t-rods & washers 
- AK "class. German" + Hannabach TWARON w-w-s snares combi (8+4)
- embossed date & maker (vintage '30s punch type letters)

hardware finish: nickel plated
shell finish: "flamed patina" finish / oil sealed (this is a cold patination / no use of torch, flame or heat in the creation)

This special snare drum is currently in stock and for sale.
contact / additional info: info@ak-drums.com